Job Grant agreements being reached with all provinces, Ottawa says

Apr 2, 2014 | Press Room

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The first Canada Job Grant should be delivered later this year as Ottawa says it now has positive written pledges from all provinces and territories about delivering the new training subsidy.

Federal Employment Minister Jason Kenney provided an update Monday on his cross-country negotiations as he announced a final deal with British Columbia on how that province will deliver the grant.

“I’m pleased to announce then that we have confirmed in writing agreements in principle or memoranda of understanding with all 13 provinces and territories for them to deliver the Canada Job Grant,” he said.

Mr. Kenney indicated that there had been one holdout – later confirmed as Nova Scotia – but that a letter had recently been received that Ottawa considers to be similar to an agreement-in-principle. A spokesperson for Nova Scotia’s department of Labour and Advanced Education said the letter is an “agreement to negotiate,” meaning the province has not yet agreed to deliver the grant.

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