They came from Taiwan to work in snow crab plants. But without a fishery, they’re stuck in limbo

May 8, 2023 | Newfoundland, Press Room

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Crab harvesters, plant owners still at a stalemate
CBC News · Posted: May 09, 2023 6:00 AM NDT

As the stalemate between crab harvesters and plant owners continues, hundreds of people tied to the industry, including dozens of temporary foreign workers, are stuck waiting for a resolution.

Those temporary foreign workers include nearly 20 Filipino newcomers who arrived in Newfoundland and Labrador from Taiwan over the past month, recruited by Work Global Canada to work in Hickman’s Harbour crab processing plant.

On Monday, Work Global Canada vice-president Wanda Cuff Young said both local and foreign workers are feeling the strain.

“It’s a very challenging and difficult situation with … a group of people all sitting, wanting to be able to work and not being able to do so,” she said in an interview with The Broadcast.

Crab boats in Newfoundland and Labrador have stayed tied on this season, with harvesters refusing to fish for $2.20 per pound of crab, the figure set by the province’s price-setting panel. A tentative deal between the fisheries union and plant owners fell apart on Saturday when it was rejected by harvesters.

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